In today’s fast-paced society, most diets are unbalanced. And in the holiday season, even more so!
We eat on the go, chewing too fast and too little. For many, mineral and vitamin consumption is low and the foods we eat have been highly processed, hampering our body’s ability to maintain a healthy gut flora. With high stress levels and the overuse of antibiotics and painkillers, harmful bacteria can quickly take over.
SILVER LINING™, a unique blend of prebiotic, probiotics and digestive enzymes, will help you properly digest your food, breaking down and eliminating waste, while at the same time building up the healthy microorganisms needed to maintain, fortify and protect your overall health and well-being.
- Regulates a healthy gut flora
- Dramatically increases immune function
- Improves digestion
- Limits intestinal upsets, diarrhea and constipation (IBS)
- Shortens duration of sickness
- Helps prevent growth of harmful bacteria
- Stimulates the growth/activity of advantageous bacteria
So, if you are trying to get back on track, seeking more balance and turning over a new leaf SILVER LINING™ may be for you!