Back to School with Progressive for Kids!

progressive suppliments for kidsprogressive suppliments for kids

Another summer is ending and the time has come for you and your family to return to regular schedules. This may mean that you have less time to prepare healthy meals and snacks for your kids, and less control over what foods are given (or traded!) to them through the school day. However, with the right nutritional support, you can feel good knowing that your child is getting the nutrients he or she needs to stay well and to grow and learn to the fullest.

progressive kids supplimentsprogressive kids suppliments

Progressive offers an entire family of healthy supplements for supporting the needs of growing children with Multi-Vitamins, Calcium, Fish Oil, and NEW Perfect Probiotic – just for kids. Together, they provide a balanced combination of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fruit and vegetable concentrates and probiotics.


Each Progressive product has been formulated by Dr. Mikhael Adams, a leader in the field of Integrated Medicine with more than 30 years of clinical experience. As a result, each formula goes far beyond providing just basic ingredients; they have been intelligently designed to support the complex needs of a young body that has to face the many challenges of growing up in our modern world.


With the antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals your child needs and a taste he or she will love, these kid-friendly products work together to help your child flourish by supporting immune function, intestinal health, mental acuity and so much more. The Progressive family of products for kids helps to form an almost unbeatable daily foundation, because a healthy body and alert mind are essential for your little scholar.  Filling in any nutritional gaps with the highest of quality supplements lets you have ‘peace of mind’ knowing your little ones are getting the best!

Vitamins First:
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