Barlean’s Omega Swirls with Omega 3

barleans omega swirl with omega 3barleans omega swirl with omega 3

Barlean’s award-winning Omega Swirl is an Omega 3 Sensation with the taste and texture of a fruit smoothie! Now everyone can enjoy the benefits of Omega-3 without the oily taste and texture or swallowing large capsules. Rich in vital and essential Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega Swirl is the freshest, best tasting and most nutritious, naturally. Omega Swirl is the perfect solution for the whole family!

A recent clinical study conducted by The Centre for Nutritional Studies found Barlean’s Omega Swirl to be 9 times more bio-available than standard oils. Because Barlean’s proprietary Swirl technology significantly reduces the size of the molecules, it allows the oil to more efficiently pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. In fact, the total percentage of oil that reached the bloodstream was 9 times greater with Omega Swirl!

Barlean’s Flax Omega Swirl are available in Blackberry and Strawberry Banana flavour.

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