The human body is a self-cleansing organism. Waste products from each cell are constantly removed from the body in order to allow cells, tissues and organs to work properly and ensure the harmonious function of the body as a whole. Carbon dioxide is released with every breath, urination carries away water soluble compounds that are no longer required by the body, and bowel movements allow the removal of unusable components of our diets along with toxins that have been discharged by the liver in bile. Moving the waste products from the cells to the organs of detoxification is the responsibility of the lymphatic system – the “other” fluid in the body that is not blood – and lymph plays a key role in immune health as well. Skin is also capable of elimination through sweat pores, although it serves more of a supportive role to the major organs of system cleansing: liver, bowels, kidneys, lymph and lungs. The health of the skin is a good reflection of how well the internal systems of elimination are working.