Enerex Black Seed Oil offers 100% first cold-pressed oil for maximum potency of its rich properties, which is taken as an antioxidant supplement or an alternative to other antibacterial, antiviral or immune-enhancing properties. Enerex Black Seed Oil is 100% pure wild crafted Black Seed Oil, containing Vitamin E and super antioxidants.
- Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal antibacterial
- Contains crystalline nigellone which increases immune function and targets respiratory health
- Contains beta-sitosterol, beneficial for urinary/prostate health, and gallstone and cholesterol reduction
- Beneficial for colds, flus, allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, coughs, digestion
- Enerex’s Black Seed Oil has the highest Thymoquinone content in the market at 45mg/dose”
- Thymoquinone has been extensively studied for its anti-carcinogenic properties
- Contains beneficial omega essential fats for cardiovascular health
- Can be used externally as a beauty oil for the skin and hair
- Derived from wild crafted plant
- With added Vitamin E containing all four tocopherols
- Super antioxidant product