Healthy and Safe this Summer

After what seemed to be a never ending winter we are all grateful to finally have some warm and sunny weather!  Vitamins First has some suggestions to help you make the most of Summer while staying healthy, happy and safe.

First, get some sun!  Spend a few minutes letting your skin make vitamin D.  You only need to expose your skin for about half the time it takes before it turns pink, to make a good dose of vitamin D.  The benefits of sunlight on energy and mood are also well known. Then put on your sun protection.  Use a chemical free product like Green Beavers organic sun care, and wear light clothing and a wide brim hat.

If you are and athlete and you will be spending lots of time in the outdoors sweating off your sunblock, we suggest you consider taking astaxanthin.  Known as the “king of the carotenoids” astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant that can protect skin from the inside!  As an added benefit, astaxanthin is also anti-inflammatory, protects the eyes, as well as fights fatigue and pain!  It needs time to build up in the tissues so it is best taken a least a week before intensive sun exposure, then daily to keep you protected.

As well, take advantage of all the colorful veggies and fruits that are available in summer that help protect our skin and eyes!

The warmer weather also brings out the pesky bugs to throw a damper on our outdoor activities.  MoziQ is a low dose homeopathic formula that makes you less attractive to the biting bugs.  It also lessens the symptoms if you encounter a horde and do get bit.  For those looking for a more traditional bug spray but want to steer clear of Deet and citronella, Outdoor Eazzz is formulated with essential oils known for their bug repellant properties.  As an added benefit, it can ease swimmers itch and even sunburn.

Spending more time in the outdoors also seems to bring more opportunities to collect scrapes and bruises and sore muscles.  Arnica, in cream, gel or pellet form is a popular way to get fast relief and fast healing for everyone, whether you are an athlete, a gardener, or learning to ride a bike for the first time!

These are just some things we at Vitamins First recommend.  Drop into one of our Vitamins First stores and let us help you have the best summer ever!

Vitamins First:
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