Know. Eat. Feel. Better …
by Christina Forsyth & Vega
Need a kick start this year? Looking for a healthy focus and not a fading fad? Visit www.thriveforward.com and sign your self up for the thrive forward program developed by Brendan Brazier. Thrive Forward is a FREE, personalized online program to help transform your health through plant-based nutrition. Starting with Clean Eating 101, Brendan guides your journey to optimal health through customized wellness topics most relevant to you—be it energy, stress, sleep, body composition, mood, or even how to eat more sustainably. And every video lesson is enhanced with useful tools to reinforce what you’ve learned. Here’s what you need to do;
1. Sign-up on line for FREE and define your journey by choosing areas that resonate most with you.
2. Learn and explore the connection between nutrition and well-being.
3. Thrive. Know better. Eat better. Feel better.
We all know desired change means work if an outcome is to be achieved. I think Brendan’s inspirational videos, exercise regimes and meal suggestions are the complete package. Here’s to a fresh new year!