Healthy Nanaimo Bar Recipe

Nanaimo Bar RecipeNanaimo Bar Recipe

Super Wholefood Healthy Nanaimo Bar Recipe- Low Gluten, Nut Free, Dairy Free, Raw

These Nanaimo Bars are not only delicious but are incredibly nutritious. Using superfood ingredients, these bars are a healthy alternative to a sweet treat break. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFA’s, protein, and immune boosting, these gluten free, dairy free, nut free and raw bars are truly guilt free!


1/3 cup Mum’s Original Organic Premium White Chia

½ cup Mum’s Original Gluten Free Quick Flake Oats

1/3 cup rice milk (or water)

10-12 pitted whole medjool dates (about 1 cup firmly packed)

For base, add chai and oats to a bowl and add rice milk. Let sit for 10 minutes. Soak dates in water for 10 minutes. Add all ingredients into food processor, including Chai and Oats, and blend until fully mixed. Press into 9×9 pan.


2 cups Mum’s Original Slow Roasted Hempseeds

½ cup rice milk (or water)

¼ cup Mum’s Original Coconut Nectar (or Coconut Sugar)

2 tbsp. Mum’s Original Coconut Oil

Soak Mum’s Original Roasted Hempseeds and rice milk (or water) for 10 minutes. Then blend all ingredients in a food processor until creamy. Pour over base mixture and place in fridge while making the topping.


5 pitted whole medjool dates (about ½ cup firmly packed)

3/4 cup Mum’s Original Raw Cocao Powder

¼ cup Mum’s Original Coconut Nectar (or Coconut Sugar)

¼ cup Mum’s Original Coconut Oil

Soak the dates in water for a few minutes. Blend all ingredients together. Add to pan and gently spread over the middle layer. Place in Fridge for an hour and then cut into squares. Enjoy!

Vitamins First:
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