Vitamins First has taken over the retail operations of Health and Natural Lifestyles at 542-42nd Avenue SE. The clinic will be retaining the services of Janet Rowe who specializes in live blood analysis, iridology, homeopathy, rife, nutritional counseling and more. Janet can be reached for appointments at 403.212.6077, or check out her website (healthy-option.com)
Other noteworthy happenings are the Beauty Event Saturday, November 19th at the Signal location on Sirroco Drive SW. There will be make-up artists from Jane Iredale and Annmarie Borlind as well as skin care advice from Emminence, Newco and Episilk. Book your spot for a makeover or just drop in to enjoy discounts, tasty treats and a chance to win fabulous prizes!
November weather has been kind to us so far, but cold weather is sure to arrive soon. If you’d like to breeze through the winter be sure to stop by one of our locations and ask us about healthy essential supplements.
Taking just a few products can keep your immunity strong and balanced, making your more likely to shrug off anything that may be going around! Come in and chat with us about vitamin D, herbal formulas, flu shot alternatives and why you might want to take a greens formula! We would love to help you outwit the usual bugs and viruses that make the cold season miserable or even make you breeze through the cold season incident free!
Everyone here at Vitamins First wishes you a healthy happy Christmas and all the best to you and yours for the coming New Year!