Reduce™ to the rescue!

Certain lifestyle and diet choices can pose a real challenge to the body’s metabolism. Too much glucose in the bloodstream can cause the body to work inefficiently.

Studies have demonstrated that certain natural compounds can influence blood glucose levels.  These compounds include chromium, zinc and cinnamon.  For example, chromium has been shown to provide support for healthy glucose metabolism.  Chromium and zinc help the body to metabolize carbohydrates and fats.  Cinnamon extract is known to help the body’s cells absorb and utilize glucose in a more efficient way.

enzymedica reduce glucose metabolism supplementenzymedica reduce glucose metabolism supplement

ReduceTM is formulated with the enzyme blend GlucoreductaseTMto slow the absorption rate of glucose into the bloodstream.  Glucoreductase transforms starches into a soluble fiber, which serves as a food source for the beneficial microflora in the intestinal tract, and may slow the rise of glucose.

Cinnamon extract, zinc and chromium are also included to help the body’s cells absorb and utilize glucose in a more efficient way.  Combined with a healthy diet, Reduce may help maintain blood sugar levels already within a normal range, as well as support a healthier quality of life.


(ReduceTM is taken at the beginning of a meal including starch or sugars, and a few hours before or after taking other medications)