Surviving Stampede in Style (and health)!
Yahoo! Another Stampede is upon us! Many of us will be taking full advantage of the many opportunities to experience the Calgary Stampede in all of its glory!
Vitamins First has some suggestions to help you sail through the festivities in good health: electrolytes, digestive enzymes, probiotics and magnesium
Firstly, stay hydrated! EnerC can help you accomplish this with electrolytes for balanced hydration along with vitamins A, C, E and B. Simply put some in your water bottle drink and be refreshed. Also, if the alcoholic beverages have been flowing too freely, it can help with hangovers J
If you are tempted by the culinary delights of the midway, especially this year’s deep fried wonder, digestive enzymes could be your best friend. Taking digestive enzymes before sampling the smorgasbord of unfamiliar food could pre-empt a rebellion of the stomach; leaving you in good shape to sample more of the endless midway temptations.
If enzymes are not quite enough to do the trick, then probiotics to the rescue! There are many to choose from and these ‘friendly flora’ can help bring a distressed digestive tract back into harmony, while doing wonders for the immune system and even help ward off Stampede’s own version of ‘Montezuma’s revenge’!
At the end of the day, foot sore & weary and yet still wound up with the excitement of it all, what you’re looking for is magnesium. The ‘relaxation mineral’ can help drain the stress and strain of the activities of the day. Topical magnesium can bypass an already overburdened gut and will be absorbed through the skin, and allow you to enjoy rejuvenating sleep, so you can awaken refreshed and ready to tackle another day of stampeding!
These are a few suggestions we at Vitamins First have to help you enjoy the world famous Calgary Stampede. Please visit us! We would love to give you more tips on staying healthy during Stampede … and the whole year!